Monday, January 30, 2012

Recently went to California with my daughters and one of their friends. ( I include my daughter in law in the daughters category). We had a "Wicked " weekend. We went to the fabric, garment district of LA .. painted our toe nails green and attended Wicked. We had so much fun. The company was good , the play was good( in fact I would love to see it again) .

Here are some pictures.

Lounging around
getting silicone nails -- best thing ever for my nails
Eating and eating and eating ---fun
buying curling irons in the district
Eating , Eating and Eating again
Getting directions to the bathroom --- which were few and far between for a bunch of girls

Our finished product --- too bad we couldn't wear sandals to show off the toes .

getting the pedicures.

So much fun. Missed Tasha. Maybe next year .